Wikipedia is a site that is constantly growing and changing. Very surprisingly, not too many people are in charge of running the site. Because it is community based, anyone can take part in editing
This week, we went over the revised contract for our group. One of the things that our group in particular is going to have to be mindful of is naming conventions and how we choose to label the
After writing our first go round of our group's contract, it's clear to see that we have some reevaluating as a group to do. Some of the goals that we had originally intended are no longer applicable
This week we talked about text mining, topic modeling and network analysis and how we might look to incorporate these ideas into our websites/projects. Additionally, the chapter that we read this
Networking: Go in by battle and input each soldier's state so that they could be easily categorized. Topic Modeling: In Voyant, we could make a word cloud based on the location of where the